MECTA spECTrum ECT Devices

The MECTA spECTrum 5000 and 4000 models were the fourth generation of MECTA’s ECT devices, and manufacturing of these devices was discontinued in October of 2019. MECTA highly recommends replacing your spECTrum with a new Σigma ECT device in order to take advantage of the new features and ease of use. Click here to learn more about service and accessories for your spECTrum device.

The 5000Q and 5000M models offer up to five channels of ECG and EEG monitoring and one Optical Motion Sensor (OMS). The 4000Q and 4000M devices are the same as the 5000 devices but without physiological monitoring. Each spECTrum device is custom manufactured to user specifications according to the options selected.

MECTA spECTrum 5000Q ECT Device

MECTA spECTrum 4000M ECT Device

spECTrum Service


spECTrum Clinical Accessories

clinical accessories